December is here and finally Winters too are here. Yeah its time for Winter season. I love winters and wait for it to arrive

Why I love winters?

  1. When the gentle chill in the air turns into bitting cold i.e. Winters have officially arrived and this is the best reason to switch to winter clothes(from jackets to sweart shirts, hoodies, tracksuits).I love wrapping myself in these.Also guys like me can hide there belly under these big jackets or hoodies :D and the warmth of my soft blanket.Oh god it’s fun to sleep in Winters. ♥

  2. There are hardly any mosquitoes or insects in winters which irritate you in summers. Don’t you love winters for this?

  3. I love the peace in the night that’s in Winters when you can hear the sound of everything be it ticking of the clock or sometimes water dripping from the tap :P.Weird but I like this.

  4. Next is Sweating.The worse part of summers is sweating and it’s smell yuck, while in Winters everything is so cool.No Sweating

  5. One not so good thing about Winters is that it gets dark really early. So? Buddy Winters is the best time to stay indoors where it’s warm and cosy.You can enjoy with a romantic movie or something entertaining. ;)

  6. Sunrise.Yeah in winters the sun doesn’t rise until atleast 6 or 7 am. Mostly people are awake by then and can sometimes have the sight of the beautiful Sunrise. I hardly or never get to see this otherwise. The sky has red, yellow and pink colors. Awww it’s very beautiful.

  7. Last but not the least Food in Winters is great. I love eating ice cream in winters it doesn’t melt :P and very cool..yummy!!. Be it soup,cake,gajak,rewri etc…

These are few only, I may add more because it’s Winters.Yayyy!

This is Why I love Winter.What do you love most about Winter?